Rev. Janet Myers, Pastor

Pastor Janet began at Nokesville Church of the Brethren on October 1, 2022. She graduated from Elizabethtown College in PA with a degree in music therapy. Pastor Janet completed her ministry training through a certification program of the Church of the Brethren. She’s completed both graduate and certificate level coursework. Pastor Janet was ordained in 2021 after a long journey adjusting to chronic illness that challenges her with pain and fatigue.
Pastor Janet began serving in the church next door to her childhood home. Gifted in music, leadership, exhortation, and teaching, she’s served as pianist, choir director, Sunday school teacher, deacon, vacation Bible school director, board member and preacher. She’s worked on staff as pastoral assistant, director of children’s ministries, interim minister of music, and pastor. In PA, Pastor Janet served on the Church of the Brethren Atlantic Northeast District’s Program and Arrangements Committee and the Urban Ministries Initiatives Committee. Recently, she also worked as a consultant case manager for the transitional housing program, Homes of Hope of Love INC of the Greater Hershey Area.
Pastor Janet has a long history in human services working as: music therapist, mental health case manager, hospice volunteer coordinator, substitute teacher, children’s therapeutic support staff and administrative assistant. She also maintained a piano teaching studio for 27 years. Pastor Janet values connecting with people and improving their quality of life. Having been a member of many teams, she welcomes collaboration and building relationships.
Janet has been married to David for 34 years. They are empty nesters. They have two sons, a daughter and son-in-law, and a granddaughter—all of whom reside near their hometown of Elizabethtown, PA.
Janet values the spoken and unspoken word in all settings. She considers most interruptions as sacred opportunities to see God at work and to connect with people. She enjoys getting together with friends for coffee (really Diet Coke or tea), reading Christian fiction, and occasionally bingeing on internet TV series.
Tracey Hladky, Office Administrator

Tracey has served as office administrator since February 2017. She lives in Gainesville with her husband Matt and two daughters, Shannon and Sofia. The girls keep them pretty busy, but as a family, they love going to the movies, gardening, and visiting family at the beach.
Jeannette Funkhouser, Chancel Choir Director

Jeannette has been the Chancel Choir director at Nokesville Church of the Brethren since 2000. Jeannette is a graduate of Bridgewater College with a BA in music. She is enjoys singing special music and all the fun we have at choir practice.