May 2024 Newsletter

Nokesville Church of the Brethren

May 2024 Newsletter





This month, I’m particularly aware of new life. Gardens are beginning to dress in the greens of seedlings and young plants. The trees have pushed through their buds and blooms to unfurled leaves of shade. The birds sing their songs of new life in the mornings and evenings. Even as nature proclaims the new, my husband and I await the birth of our second grandchild within the next month. Keenly aware of this life inside our May-birthed daughter, we wait expectantly to hear new breath-filled lungs sing songs of new life.

God gives life in both the physical and the spiritual. God’s life-giving Spirit is not just around us or only seasonal. Jesus makes this clear as he prepares the disciples for his death. He counsels them and makes a promise.

I will ask the Father, and he will give you another advocate to help you and be with you forever— the Spirit of truth. The world cannot accept him, because it neither sees him nor knows him. But you know him, for he lives with you and will be in you. (John 14:16-17)

Recently, we celebrated a baptism and two reaffirmations of faith in our church family. As the Body of Christ, we witnessed the re-birthing of those choosing to follow Jesus. Those that watched joined them in taking in a breath of fresh Spirit-air.

I wonder, are we anticipating all that God can do through them? Through us? Do others see and hear new life?  In the Book of Acts, the believers were all gathered for the Festival of Pentecost when the Holy Spirit came like wind and fire. God’s love in Jesus was proclaimed in many languages to many people. The song was, and still is, about new life in Jesus. Let’s hear it anew. Let’s live it and sing it on repeat. People are watching and listening.

For God’s glory,

Pastor Janet





Senior Social Events continue on the third Wed. of every month @ 11:30 a.m. with lunch provided! We have some new and exciting programs planned for the coming months. Such as ‘exercise on your level’; a barbershop quartet; therapy dog presentation; and more! Invite your friends. This is for the whole community.





The Congregational Life Ministry Team hosted a community yard sale on April 20.  We want to thank everyone who came out to help make the event a success.  We hosted 13 seller sites and a church site.  Sellers were happy to join us and have already asked about a repeat event next year!

The ladies of the congregation and their guests are invited to Ladies Evening on May 11th. The event will be an evening of family games and puzzles with time to connect with fellow women of all ages in the congregation.  Bring a favorite game to share or come try a new one.  We invite attendees to bring a dessert to share.  The meal will be provided.  See you then!

We continue to host the morning coffee hour.  Breakfast is available if someone signs up to bring something to share.  If you are interested in provided breakfast during this time, use the sign-up sheet located on the bulletin board at the entrance to the sanctuary.


Summer Camp Scholarships: The Congregational Life Ministry team is excited to support our children attending church summer camp this year.  Our team has funds to support those who attend by providing 50% of the camp registration up to $200.

Camp registration has already begun.  Our most popular camps are Brethren Woods and Shepherd’s Springs.  If you register your child, be sure to let the camp know your affiliation with our congregation so they can bill us appropriately.  If you have any questions about summer camp options, please reach out to Pam Breslin or Ben Bear.


Food Truck Fridays: We kicked off Food Truck Friday with Wayne’s Delicious Eats on May 10th.  Look for a future constant contact and a Facebook post to see their menu for the evening.  We look forward to seeing you there!



To find out what trucks will be joining us this year please visit our News & Events page here:





Thank you, Gayle Hawkins and Pam Flory for the paper, Lyn Ficili for the magna-tiles, David Myers for the beautiful flower display, and Lois Tinsman for the fun palm tree and the wonderful books. We appreciate everyone’s support and donations.

Our graduation program will be Thursday, May 23 at 7:00 pm in the sanctuary with refreshments in the fellowship hall. The last day of school will be May 24. There will be three weeks of summer camp: June 3 – 7, June 17 – 21, and July 29 – August 2.





We have created a Signup Genius so you can order flowers online.

Your offerings can be made through our website.







Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

 Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m.


Pastor Janet’s Office Hours

Tues – Fri

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.