June 2024 Newsletter

Nokesville Church of the Brethren

June 2024 Newsletter





Recently, we had communion during the Sunday worship service. During the invitation to participate, I shared some thoughts about the Lord inviting us to be at the table together. I’m reminded of the story of Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was the crippled son of Jonathan, David’s best friend and son of former king, Saul. Years earlier, David and Jonathan had reluctantly parted ways when Saul was in pursuit of David’s life. Eventually, both Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle.

Years later, David thought to ask if there were any survivors of Jonathan’s family. When he learned of Mephibosheth, rather than keep this broken young man at a distance, David invited him to the king’s table. David promised to provide a home for him for the rest of his days. (2 Samuel 4:4; 9:1-13)

Like Mephibosheth, we can find ourselves broken. We struggle to find our place in this world and our self-worth can be threatened. Our brokenness can become our identity.

But God remembers us. God invites us, no matter our brokenness, to sit at the table of restoration. To a table of new identity. Jesus delivered the invitation. He reached out to the unincluded. He touched society’s untouchables. He ate with sinners including his betrayer. He gave the gift of paradise to the criminal on the cross beside him. Jesus is God’s personal invitation to sit at the table of redemption. A place where something good comes out of something that seems too broken.

Who do you relate to most? David or Mephibosheth? God offers a standing invitation and then, promotes you to become a messenger of his grace and peace. What is your response?

At the table with you,

Pastor Janet





Senior Social Events continue on the third Wed. of every month @ 11:30 a.m. with lunch provided! We have some new and exciting programs planned for the coming months. Such as ‘exercise on your level’; a barbershop quartet; therapy dog presentation; and more! Invite your friends. This is for the whole community.





The Congregational Life Ministry team would like to thank everyone who participated in our May activities.  Thank you to everyone who shared food and games for the Ladies Evening.  We had a wonderful time fellowshipping with some friendly competition. Thank you also to everyone who brought breakfast for our May Coffee Hours.  Your contributions are truly appreciated.

We will celebrate the men of our congregation with a special breakfast on June 16th.  We invite everyone in the congregation to join us for breakfast and honor the men who play important roles in our lives.  Be on the lookout for more information.

Save the Date: 

August 25th- Congregational Picnic at the Nokesville Park Pavilion

September 27-29- All Church Camp Weekend at Brethren Woods


Summer Coffee Hour:  We will continue to organize Coffee Hour throughout the summer.  Please note, if someone does not sign up to bring breakfast, there will not be food provided.  Coffee and fellowship will always be available.  Coffee Hour will continue to start at 9:30 to allow time for adults to attend Sunday School.  Thank you to everyone who has continued to support this weekly activity.  If you are interested in sharing breakfast items but are unable to provide them at 9:30, please see someone on the Congregational Life team to coordinate set up.





To find out what trucks will be joining us this year please visit our News & Events page here: https://nokesvillecob.org/2023/05/01/food-truck-fridays/





We have created a Signup Genius so you can order flowers online. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4EABAE29A4F94-46656315-2024

Your offerings can be made through our website. https://www.continuetogive.com/ncobbudget









Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

 Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m.


Pastor Janet’s Office Hours

Tues – Fri

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
