October 2024 Newsletter

Nokesville Church of the Brethren

October 2024 Newsletter





For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven…

 -Ecclesiastes 3:1

 Seasons change but God does not. If everything stayed the same, would we desire God as much? God is full of compassion granting new mercies every day in every season. Whether you embrace autumn with great joy or some level of resignation, you can’t deny that autumn displays things that remind us of the goodness of God.

Autumn reminds us there are times to let go and that change can be beautiful.

Autumn brings the culmination of harvest.

Autumn encourages us to drink in the warmth of good friends, family, and food.

Autumn persuades us to prepare for rest that is good for our souls and bodies.

Autumn helps us notice the breath that we breathe.

Autumn ushers us into reflection and gratitude.

Autumn shows us that God continues to do new things.

God brings beauty with every season. Sometimes we only see it as we move into the next one. What is this autumn season showing you? My prayer is that you see and know the goodness of God.

Grace & peace be yours,

Pastor Janet





Senior Social Events continue on the third Wed. of every month @ 11:30 a.m. with lunch provided! We have some new and exciting programs planned for the coming months. Such as ‘exercise on your level’; a barbershop quartet; therapy dog presentation; and more! Invite your friends. This is for the whole community.





We will host a community Trunk or Treat event on October 27th from 3-5pm. We are looking for participants and volunteers.  We will have games, decorated trunks, and bake sale.  If you are interested in hosting a trunk or volunteering in some way please let Jackie Bear, Carrie Diethorn, Kelsey Southard or Pam Breslin know.

Save the Date: Christmas Craft Night and the lighting of the Chrismon Tree will be on December 1st.  We will need lots of crafters! Be on the lookout for more information in November.

Coffee Hour: We continue to organize Coffee Hour.  Please note, if someone does not sign up to bring breakfast, there will not be food provided.  Coffee and fellowship will always be available.  Coffee Hour will continue to start at 9:30 to allow time to attend Sunday School.  Thank you to everyone who has continued to support this weekly activity.  If you are interested in sharing breakfast items but are unable to provide them at 9:30, please see someone on the Congregational Life team to coordinate set up.

Friday Food Truck Bring your appetite and join us for Law Dawgs on October 11 from 4-7. We will have tables on the lawn to enjoy your meals or pick them up to go.  We look forward to this time together with the community.





Wave of Light ceremony is for those in the community who have experienced pregnancy and infant loss. The candle-lighting service is observed annually around the world on October 15. It’s a time to ease the pain by acknowledging and remembering a deeply loved and missed family member. Our Wave of Light will be held outside and is open to anyone in the community. More information will be available over the next few weeks.






For the next few weeks are canned meats and things like spaghettio’s, canned ravioli, and canned beef-a-roni. These can be dropped off during the week from 9 to 1. You can also order online and have them shipped to the church. For more information, contact the office.





We have created a Signup Genius so you can order flowers online. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4EABAE29A4F94-46656315-2024

Your offerings can be made through our website. https://www.continuetogive.com/ncobbudget


Flower Ministry Did you know that flowers are a weekly standing order? When you sign up to honor someone, you place $20 in the offering plate to help cover the cost. When no one signs up, we still get flowers but they’re paid from the budget. If you’d like to help with those budget costs, you can place $20 designated for flowers in the offering. After worship, if the flowers remain up front, they may be available to take and bless someone. Double-check with the person listed in the bulletin. If no one is listed, they are available. Perhaps you know someone who is homebound, or you drive by a hospital, school, or care center and would like to bless somebody. Go ahead and make someone’s day!




Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

 Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m.


Pastor Janet’s Office Hours

Tues – Fri

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.





September 2024 Nesletter

Nokesville Church of the Brethren

September 2024 Newsletter





Recently, I’ve read about how we have conversations with our children. I’d venture to say with adults, too. At the end of a day or time apart, we tend to ask, “How was your day?” Or “Did you have a good day?” These kinds of questions focus on self and short answers. While not inherently bad, done repeatedly, these self-focused questions can contribute to shallow relationships and potentially, isolation. God means for us to be in relationship and community with one another.

After Jesus sent out the disciples to proclaim the good news and heal the sick. They came back, and he listened to their stories. (Luke 9) Those stories weren’t only about the disciples. They were about the people they met and served along the way. They were about the towns, hospitality, and healing of other people.

How might the end of our days, our daily journeys, feel if we came home and were asked about our stories? What difference would it make if we asked one another questions like:

  • How did you help someone today?
  • How did someone help you today?
  • How did God help you to help someone today?
  • How did you make a difference for good today?
  • How did knowing God loves you help you get through a hard day?
  • How does/did that make you feel?
  • What would you do differently, if you had a do-over?
  • What do you know about the other person’s story?
  • What do you think God wants you to do?

I’m not suggesting we ask every question every day. No one wants to be grilled. But if we sprinkle our conversations with some of these questions, we’d promote meaningful dialogue, genuine relationships, and mindful gratitude. Our conversational language would become infused with words of hope and redemption. Our days would promote light in the darkness.

No matter our age, today is a new day for each of us. There are opportunities for new stories. Go ahead and ask questions. Ask the ones that encourage reflecting on God’s love working through people and for people.

In all your encounters, remember: You are loved. Be kind. Be you!

Pastor Janet





Senior Social Events continue on the third Wed. of every month @ 11:30 a.m. with lunch provided! We have some new and exciting programs planned for the coming months. Such as ‘exercise on your level’; a barbershop quartet; therapy dog presentation; and more! Invite your friends. This is for the whole community.





All Church Camp Weekend at Brethren Woods All are invited to join us for a weekend in the mountains at camp Brethren Woods on September 27-29 in Keezletown, VA.  Come for the day or come for the weekend.  Enjoy God’s beautiful creation as the leaves change in the mountains.  Spend your time connecting with others and nature hiking, fishing, completing puzzles, playing games, or just enjoying the view.  Look for registration information in the coming weeks. Please see Pam Breslin or Jackie Bear with any questions you may have.

Trunk or Treat We will host a community Trunk or Treat event on October 27th.  We will be looking for people to host trunks and help with various parts of the event.  Last year the event was well attended and received a lot of positive feedback from the community.  Please reach out to Kelsey Southard or someone in the Congregational Life Team if you would like to support the event!

Coffee Hour We continue to organize Coffee Hour.  Please note, if someone does not sign up to bring breakfast, there will not be food provided.  Coffee and fellowship will always be available.  Coffee Hour will continue to start at 9:30 to allow time to attend Sunday School.  Thank you to everyone who has continued to support this weekly activity.  If you are interested in sharing breakfast items but are unable to provide them at 9:30, please see someone on the Congregational Life team to coordinate set up.

Friday Food Truck Bring your appetite and join us for Two Smooth Dudes on September 13 from 4-7. We will have tables on the lawn to enjoy your meals or pick them up to go.  We look forward to this time together with the community.






For the next few weeks: diapers of any size and baby wipes (fragrance-free is best). These can be dropped off during the week from 9 to 1. You can also order online and have them shipped to the church. For more information, contact the office.



Thank you to Melani Ali, Charlotte and Jackie Bear, and Pam Breslin for all your help restocking the Blessings Box this summer.

Thank you, Matt Nelson for the great new shelves.

Thank you to everyone who so generously donates to the needs of the Blessings Box. It is used daily by those in need in the community.





We have created a Signup Genius so you can order flowers online. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4EABAE29A4F94-46656315-2024

Your offerings can be made through our website. https://www.continuetogive.com/ncobbudget




Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

 Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m.


Pastor Janet’s Office Hours

Tues – Fri

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.








June 2024 Newsletter

Nokesville Church of the Brethren

June 2024 Newsletter





Recently, we had communion during the Sunday worship service. During the invitation to participate, I shared some thoughts about the Lord inviting us to be at the table together. I’m reminded of the story of Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was the crippled son of Jonathan, David’s best friend and son of former king, Saul. Years earlier, David and Jonathan had reluctantly parted ways when Saul was in pursuit of David’s life. Eventually, both Saul and Jonathan were killed in battle.

Years later, David thought to ask if there were any survivors of Jonathan’s family. When he learned of Mephibosheth, rather than keep this broken young man at a distance, David invited him to the king’s table. David promised to provide a home for him for the rest of his days. (2 Samuel 4:4; 9:1-13)

Like Mephibosheth, we can find ourselves broken. We struggle to find our place in this world and our self-worth can be threatened. Our brokenness can become our identity.

But God remembers us. God invites us, no matter our brokenness, to sit at the table of restoration. To a table of new identity. Jesus delivered the invitation. He reached out to the unincluded. He touched society’s untouchables. He ate with sinners including his betrayer. He gave the gift of paradise to the criminal on the cross beside him. Jesus is God’s personal invitation to sit at the table of redemption. A place where something good comes out of something that seems too broken.

Who do you relate to most? David or Mephibosheth? God offers a standing invitation and then, promotes you to become a messenger of his grace and peace. What is your response?

At the table with you,

Pastor Janet





Senior Social Events continue on the third Wed. of every month @ 11:30 a.m. with lunch provided! We have some new and exciting programs planned for the coming months. Such as ‘exercise on your level’; a barbershop quartet; therapy dog presentation; and more! Invite your friends. This is for the whole community.





The Congregational Life Ministry team would like to thank everyone who participated in our May activities.  Thank you to everyone who shared food and games for the Ladies Evening.  We had a wonderful time fellowshipping with some friendly competition. Thank you also to everyone who brought breakfast for our May Coffee Hours.  Your contributions are truly appreciated.

We will celebrate the men of our congregation with a special breakfast on June 16th.  We invite everyone in the congregation to join us for breakfast and honor the men who play important roles in our lives.  Be on the lookout for more information.

Save the Date: 

August 25th- Congregational Picnic at the Nokesville Park Pavilion

September 27-29- All Church Camp Weekend at Brethren Woods


Summer Coffee Hour:  We will continue to organize Coffee Hour throughout the summer.  Please note, if someone does not sign up to bring breakfast, there will not be food provided.  Coffee and fellowship will always be available.  Coffee Hour will continue to start at 9:30 to allow time for adults to attend Sunday School.  Thank you to everyone who has continued to support this weekly activity.  If you are interested in sharing breakfast items but are unable to provide them at 9:30, please see someone on the Congregational Life team to coordinate set up.





To find out what trucks will be joining us this year please visit our News & Events page here: https://nokesvillecob.org/2023/05/01/food-truck-fridays/





We have created a Signup Genius so you can order flowers online. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/4090E4EABAE29A4F94-46656315-2024

Your offerings can be made through our website. https://www.continuetogive.com/ncobbudget









Office Hours: Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.

 Coffee Fellowship 9:30 a.m.

Sunday School 10:00 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service 11:00 a.m.


Pastor Janet’s Office Hours

Tues – Fri

9:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.










This year’s Nokesville Day Citizen of the Year is Mary Gough, a lifelong resident whose family has been here for generations. She’s known in Nokesville and Prince William County for her hard work on the farm and dedication to a variety of voluntary activities.

“Downtown” Nokesville has changed, of course, but she has fond memories of the old Nokesville Elementary School (which was once grades one through twelve, now Renaissance School), Trenis Store (Asset Management), Fitzwater Garage (Nokesville Tire) and the other businesses which occupied some of the still-existing buildings.

​Mary still has a huge garden, drives her tractor (including in the Nokesville parades), does canning and quilting. As a member of Nokesville Church of the Brethren, she sang in the choir, is Martha Early Circle president and has catered dinners. She has held all Homemakers Club offices and been an active member of the PWFC Farm Bureau, including being a Farm Woman of the Year nominee. She’s been involved in organizing and working the PW County Fair since 1967, such as being the superintendent and judging home arts.

Mary and Alden Gough have been married for 65 years, have four sons (Kevin, Dale, Dennis, Dean), 11 grandchildren and 10 greats.

​Said Mary, “Nokesville is a wonderful community to live in and I always look forward to Nokesville Day.”